
Printed Materials for a Community Pharmacy Magazine


Through the years, the Client commisioned to me a set of printed materials to use for marketing, information and selling purposes. I've worked on a portfolio of three diffrent and related brands:

  • C+D News: an online magazine that has been informing and supporting community pharmacy since 1859;
  • C+D Data: an online database of around more then 100,000 pharmacy products;
  • C+D Jobs: an online job platform with over 48,000 registered job seekers.

For this project I've used the following tools: Adobe Illustrator for logos and illustrations design; Adobe InDesign for making and lay out contents on printed materials; Adobe Photoshop for photo editing.

Client: Chemist+Druggist
Sector: Pharmacy Industry
Project: Improve and maintain Brand Identity on Printed Materials
Year: 2018-2021
Tools: Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop)

Lead the Design

What did it mean for me "working as a Lead Designer"?
In that specific case, it was meaning that I had the duty to respect the story of the Brand (what was made before me) and at the same time I had the possibility to work with the Brand Identity on 360°.

My journey with the Client and its Brand portfolio, began with existing brand guidelines (identified by the previously Lead Designer). I've started to work with them and (at the same time) I've also analysed the major competitors of the Brand, with the purpose to better understand the market and how I could maintain and improve the Brand Identity with my design and production. During the years I had the occasion to update the Brand, by keeping its identity fresh and up to date.

The Process

During the years, I had the occasion to work on a tons of printed materials for the Client, by improving the Brand Identity and keeping consistency throught the three inner brands (C+D News, C+D Data, and C+D Jobs).

In this scenario, I've worked alongside the internal stakeholders with Agile Methodology: by designing and updating items through different iterations (when amends were required), until their final confirmation.

Sometimes I've worked with external designers, by sharing design idea and rough materials for production. In those cases, I've also supervised junior designers production, by keeping on eye on brand guidelines and concistency with the Brand.

Design & Applications

For the Client I've worked on the three inner Brand, by making different printed materials like:

  • C+D News: printed ads for magazines, presentations and media pack, programmes and miscellaneous for events (C+D Awards);
  • C+D Data: printed ads for magazines, leaflets and infographics for stakeholders;
  • C+D Jobs: printed ads for magazines, leaflets and poster / roll-up for stands.

I've also worked on interactive PDF presentations for both print and digital purpose.
Most of this production was made in InDesign by following brand guidelines. I've used C+D Blue as first colour, along with white and black. For special events I've identified a specific colour (C+D Gold for the Awards). And I've working with Photoshop and Illustrator for secondary items (pictures and illustrations).


Many thanks for watching!